MS/MU Wall-mounted Non-Inverter Air Conditioner Systems, Single-Room Wall-Mounted Ductless A/C Lineup (Cooling Only), (9500 to 12000 Btu/h air conditioners)
Single-Room Wall-Mounted Ductless A/C Lineup (Cooling Only)(9000 to 34600 Btu/h air conditioners)
Indoor Unit item | Item Name | Outdoor Unit | Cooling Rated Capacity | Cooling Capacity Range | Cooling Total Input | Cooling Energy Efficiency |
MSY-GE09NA | Wall-Mounted Inverter Air Conditioners | MUY-GE09NA | 9000 Btu/hr | 3800-12200 Btu/hr | 660 (205-1200) W | 21.0 SEER |
MSY-GE12NA | Wall-Mounted Inverter Air Conditioners | MUY-GE12NA | 12000 Btu/hr | 3800-13600 Btu/hr | 960 (205-1300) W | 20.5 SEER |
MSY-GE15NA | Wall-Mounted Inverter Air Conditioners | MUY-GE15NA | 14000 Btu/hr | 3100-18200 Btu/hr | 1080 (160-2000) W | 21.0 SEER |
MSY-GE18NA | Wall-Mounted Inverter Air Conditioners | MUY-GE18NA | 17200 Btu/hr | 3700-18700 Btu/hr | 1640 (240-2070) W | 19.2 SEER |
MSY-GA24NA | Wall-Mounted Inverter Air Conditioners | MUY-GA24NA | 22000 Btu/hr | 4400-22000 Btu/hr | 2500 (270-2500) W | 17.5 SEER |
MSY-D30NA | Wall-Mounted Inverter Air Conditioners | MUY-D30NA | 30700 Btu/hr | 9800-30700 Btu/hr | 3380 (620-3380) W | 16.0 SEER |
MSY-D36NA | Wall-Mounted Inverter Air Conditioners | MUY-D36NA | 34600 Btu/hr | 9800-34600 Btu/hr | 4240 (620-4240) W | 15.1 SEER |
Our ductless system is simple, reliable and affordable. Across the world, we are committed to bringing daily comfort into every facet of your lives. Whether it is your home, your child's school, or your local grocery store, ComfortStar is there to ensure a pleasant environment, regardless of the climate.